Physical Exams
If you are not already aware, a physical examination, often referred to as "a physical," is a routine test that healthcare providers perform to assess your overall health. Physicals are mandatory for participation in school sports and activities, and some employers require them for pre-employment screening.
During a physical exam, the provider evaluates your general health to determine whether you are fit to engage in activities or carry out the responsibilities of your job. The extent of testing and examination during the physical is decided by the organization requesting the exam, such as your school district, the athletic department, or your employer, among others.
Our 901 SkinMD Center provides the following physical exams:
Sports Physical
College Physical
Camp Physical
Work Physical
Contact Info
Saturday: 10 am – 2pm
(walk-ins welcome)
What to expect
Depending on the required level of testing, some or all of the following may occur:
- measure your height
- check your weight
- take your blood pressure
- listen to your heart and lungs
- feel your abdomen
- look in your ears, nose, and throat
- check your eyesight
- test how strong and flexible you are
- urinalysis
- body mass index
Contact Us
If you have any questions or concern, please contact us.